Siddhan's Trust Center

The Siddhan's Trust Center connects you to the latest information on the security, reliability, privacy, and compliance of our products and services.

Siddhan Intelligence Group manages information of numerous customers across the globe. Our customer expectation is straightforward. Protect their data with the highest standards.

Siddhan assures the best protection and with highly reliable environment.

Our security model and controls are based on international standards and industry best practices, such as ISO 27001.

Cloud Security

Our systems are hosted on multiple Availability Zones at Amazon Web Services. This allows us to provide a reliable service and keeps your data available whenever you need it. We have also established a disaster recovery site in another region.

These data centers employ leading physical and environmental security measures, resulting in highly resilient infrastructure.

For more information about their security practices, please visit

AWS Cloud Security

Compliance & Certifications

Siddhan Intelligence follows strict International Standards and regulations in order to keep your information safe.